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Default Browser: How to Choose the Best One for You

Following this modification to the TimeClient interface, you would also have to modify the class SimpleTimeClient and implement the method getZonedDateTime. However, rather than leaving getZonedDateTime as abstract (as in the previous example), you can instead define a default implementation. (Remember that anabstract method is a method declared without an implementation.)


You specify that a method definition in an interface is a default method with the default keyword at the beginning of the method signature. All method declarations in an interface, including default methods, are implicitly public, so you can omit the public modifier.

Any class that implements the interface AbstractZoneTimeClient will have to implement the method getZonedDateTime; this method is an abstract method like all other non-default (and non-static) methods in an interface.

In addition to default methods, you can definestatic methods in interfaces. (A static method is a method that is associated with the class in which it is defined rather than with any object. Every instance of the class shares its static methods.) This makes it easier for you to organize helper methods in your libraries; you can keep static methods specific to an interface in the same interface rather than in a separate class. The following example defines a static method that retrieves aZoneId object corresponding to a time zone identifier; it uses the system default time zone if there is no ZoneId object corresponding to the given identifier. (As a result, you can simplify the method getZonedDateTime):

Default methods enable you to add new functionality to existing interfaces and ensure binary compatibility with code written for older versions of those interfaces. In particular, default methods enable you to add methods that accept lambda expressions as parameters to existing interfaces. This section demonstrates how theComparator interface has been enhanced with default and static methods.

However, this approach is too verbose; it would be better if you could specify just the sort criteria and avoid creating multiple sorting implementations. Suppose that you are the developer who wrote the Comparator interface. What default or static methods could you add to the Comparator interface to enable other developers to more easily specify sort criteria?

It would be simpler for your developers if they could build a Comparator instance from a series of Comparator instances. The Comparator interface has been enhanced with this ability with the default methodthenComparing:

The Comparator interface has been enhanced with other versions of the default method thenComparing (such as thenComparingDouble andthenComparingLong) that enable you to build Comparator instances that compare other data types.

Suppose that your developers would like to create a Comparator instance that enables them to sort a collection of objects in reverse order. For example, how would you sort the deck of playing cards first by descending order of rank, from Ace to Two (instead of from Two to Ace)? As before, you could specify another lambda expression. However, it would be simpler for your developers if they could reverse an existing Comparator by invoking a method. The Comparator interface has been enhanced with this ability with the default methodreversed:

This example demonstrates how the Comparator interface has been enhanced with default methods, static methods, lambda expressions, and method references to create more expressive library methods whose functionality programmers can quickly deduce by looking at how they are invoked. Use these constructs to enhance the interfaces in your libraries.

As always, you can choose to encrypt your objects using one of the three encryption options we provide: S3 default encryption (SSE-S3, the new default), customer-provided encryption keys (SSE-C), or AWS Key Management Service keys (SSE-KMS). To have an additional layer of encryption, you might also encrypt objects on the client side, using client libraries such as the Amazon S3 encryption client.

To verify the change is effective on your buckets today, you can configure CloudTrail to log data events. By default, trails do not log data events, and there is an extra cost to enable it. Data events show the resource operations performed on or within a resource, such as when a user uploads a file to an S3 bucket. You can log data events for Amazon S3 buckets, AWS Lambda functions, Amazon DynamoDB tables, or a combination of those.

Once enabled, search for PutObject API for file uploads or InitiateMultipartUpload for multipart uploads. When Amazon S3 automatically encrypts an object using the default encryption settings, the log includes the following field as the name-value pair: "SSEApplied":"Default_SSE_S3". Here is an example of a CloudTrail log (with data event logging enabled) when I uploaded a file to one of my buckets using the AWS CLI command aws s3 cp s3://private-sst.

Available Now This change is effective now, in all AWS Regions, including on AWS GovCloud (US) and AWS China Regions. There is no additional cost for default object-level encryption.

You can use the default literal to produce the default value of a type when the compiler can infer the expression type. The default literal expression produces the same value as the default(T) expression where T is the inferred type. You can use the default literal in any of the following cases:

Go to Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners > select a printer. Then select Set as default.If you don't see the Set as default option, the Let Windows manage my default printer option may be selected. You'll need to clear that selection before you can choose a default printer on your own.Open Printers & scanners

Go to Devices > Printers & scanners > select a printer > Manage. Then select Set as default.If you don't see the Set as default option, the Let Windows manage my default printer option may be selected. You'll need to clear that selection before you can choose a default printer on your own.Open Printers & scanners

You can set up ADC to use your Google Account credentials byrunning the gcloud auth application-default logincommand. This command places a JSON file containing your credentials in awell-known location on your file system. The location depends on your operatingsystem:

The Pension Protection Act of 2006, signed by President Bush on August 17, 2006, removes several impediments to automatic enrollment plans. A key one of these is amending the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to provide a safe harbor for plan fiduciaries investing participant assets in certain types of default investment alternatives in the absence of participant investment direction.

The proposed regulation deems a participant to have exercised control over assets in his or her account if, in the absence of investment direction from the participant, the plan fiduciary invests the assets in a qualified default investment alternative (QDIA).

To promote continued job growth, Government efficiency, and the social good that can be gained from opening Government data to the public, the default state of new and modernized Government information resources shall be open and machine readable. Government information shall be managed as an asset throughout its life cycle to promote interoperability and openness, and, wherever possible and legally permissible, to ensure that data are released to the public in ways that make the data easy to find, accessible, and usable. In making this the new default state, executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall ensure that they safeguard individual privacy, confidentiality, and national security.

A column can be assigned a default value. When a new row is created and no values are specified for some of the columns, those columns will be filled with their respective default values. A data manipulation command can also request explicitly that a column be set to its default value, without having to know what that value is. (Details about data manipulation commands are in Chapter 6.)

If a person defaults on a home mortgage, the bank may foreclose on the loan and take over ownership of the property, to sell it in order to recoup as much of the unpaid portion of the loan as possible.

Default has many meanings, but most of them involve the absence of something, such as a better alternative (especially in the phrase by default), or a failure to do something, such as make a payment or appear in court. When someone fails to make a payment on a mortgage or other loan, they are said to be in default.

Important warning: The default value is evaluated only once. This makes adifference when the default is a mutable object such as a list, dictionary, orinstances of most classes. For example, the following function accumulates thearguments passed to it on subsequent calls:

By default, arguments may be passed to a Python function either by positionor explicitly by keyword. For readability and performance, it makes sense torestrict the way arguments can be passed so that a developer need only lookat the function definition to determine if items are passed by position, byposition or keyword, or by keyword.

Warning: By default, variables render unmasked in your build outputs. If you need greater security for sensitive information, such as passwords, use encrypted secrets instead. For more information, see "Encrypted secrets".

Because runner environment variable interpolation is done after a workflow job is sent to a runner machine, you must use the appropriate syntax for the shell that's used on the runner. In this example, the workflow specifies ubuntu-latest. By default, Linux runners use the bash shell, so you must use the syntax $NAME. If the workflow specified a Windows runner, you would use the syntax for PowerShell, $env:NAME. For more information about shells, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions." 2ff7e9595c

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